Sunday, October 11, 2009

sunday brunch

One of my absolute favorite things (and this is no exaggeration) is brunch...any day of the week.
But especially on lazy Sunday mornings. I was so excited to receive some home dried tomatoes and automatically thought egg scramble! So, this morning we did brunch at home: soft scrambled eggs with sun-dried tomatoes + feta cheese, bacon and toast.

If cooked correctly, you don't need to add much to the scrambled egg base (this is my opinion, and I'm sure there are those who would disagree...). I simply whip the eggs (2-3 per person
), gently until the whites and yolks have homogenized. You're not looking to create foam, and be careful not to over-whip. I season with a couple pinches of salt and cracked pepper. I then add them to a non-stick pan, with a tsp or so of vegetable oil and a pad of butter -- the oil keeps the eggs from sticking and the butter gives richness and flavor to the eggs. I heat the pan over medium heat and add egg mixture (another tip: think low and slow, you do not want the eggs to brown). Once the eggs start to curl on the edges and come together, add cheese + tomatoes. Continue to cook, stirring with a rubber spatula (preferably), just until liquid starts to solidify. For a soft scramble, you're looking for them to still be loose. I served mine with bacon + toast.

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